Realista24 írta:
Gerard Piqué: “I don't want to take away any credit from Madrid, but just tell how it's won. The 5 CL’s that Barça won are five seasons of being superior to everyone else. Madrid’s last CL is evidence that in none of the games Real Madrid were superior.
Maybe I’ll clarify. They won't remember it for their game, they're going to remember it for other things, for the epic comebacks. But this is enough for them and that is the greatness of Real Madrid, that being good for 5 minutes in semifinal against City makes you win.
That's a good thing. Barça will not win any knockout games because they were better for five minutes.”
De a kedvencem ebben, hogy sunyin odaszámolta a 1991/1992-es címüket, mert nekik csak úgy van 5
Azóta 8 BL címet nyertünk, egyik se volt pure dominance
Bezzeg mikor Övrebo megnyerte nekik, vagy Arsenal előnynél kirakták a visszavágón van Persiet, na az pure dominance volt.
A bíróktól
De magasan a legjobb sor az ez:
Barça will not win any knockout games because they were better for five minutes.
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