“We spoke calmly about how to change things in the second half. I switched the system and the team brought more intensity. We were too timid in the first half, we didn't press and allowed them to control it. They get two relatively simple goals and it was obvious what we needed to do. The team did a great job in the second half. This second half was our best of the season, with better pressing, more intensity… The second half showed us what we have to do and how to do it. It could be a key moment in our season."
“I'd explain the game like this: we were too timid and lacking in intensity in the first half. We were organised but we didn't put pressure on the ball and they controlled the game. We had chances and hit the bar twice, but we were too reserved. By taking more risks in the second half, we played with greater energy. We should always press because we have the physical attributes to do so."
Half-time team talk
“I told them thinking about scoring three goals was a bit idealistic, and that we had to focus on the basics: not missing our passes, winning our duels, pressing better, showing increased intensity. That's how the dynamic of the game shifts. It changed with the first goal."
Praise for Vini Jr.
“It's unusual to see a player have a second half quite like that. It's strange to see now, or in the past. He brought energy, intensity, character... It was an extraordinary display. He gets jeered when we go to other stadiums because he can make the difference. He's respected in this country. He's helping reduce the racism issue, he's highly respected."
“He'll win the Ballon d'Or, but not for what he did tonight, rather what he did throughout last year, in helping us win the Champions League. These three goals will help him towards the next Ballon d'Or."
The system
“The system isn't the most important thing, it's more about the players' attitude to playing a certain system. What I mean is, the most crucial thing is the attitude shown by the players on the pitch."
Why is there a lack of intensity in certain spells of games?
“I'm not sure what's causing it. It's hard to put your finger on it. We have to focus on that second half, where we played with high intensity at a slick pace. The aim is to start like that, rather than waiting until you've conceded two goals. You can't play a full 90 minutes like we played those 45 in the second half today. But you can strike a better balance between the intensity we showed in the first and second half. We'll get there.”
Lucas Vázquez
“He scored the goal that put us in front. Sometimes he struggles a bit more defensively, in terms of his defensive positioning. Going forward, he offers us so much on the right-hand side and he scored a lovely goal today.
Sokan jönnek, hogy Carlo takaroggggy, meg hogy nem ért hozzá, rossz felfogással, rendszerrel küldi ki a pályára a csapatot, meg ez hülyeség, azt nem így kell, mi bezzeg a fotelból mennyivel jobban tudjuk.
Közben meg valahogy csak azokat mondja, amit a fotelhuszárok is össze írnak itt. Nem egy hülye, tehetetlen ember ő, nem lenne ott, ahol.
Nem mondom, néha engem is elkap egy negatív mindset, és akkor semmi nem jó, mindent máshogy kellene, előbb cserélni, máshogy felállni, meg persze akkor jobban tudom azt is, mikor kinek kellene játszani, mert ott vagyok ugye edzéseken, és látom a formájukat, meg hogy milyen állapotban vannak. Mindenkinek megvan a maga gondolata.
De azért néha bízzunk már a Donban. Tudja ő, mit csinál, nem hülye, nem lenne ott a legnagyobbak közt, nem nyert volna 5 BL-t, annyit, aminek közelében senki sincs (6.-nál megint milyen jó lesz, és mennyire fogjuk szeretni).
Nem fog ez változtatni semmin, de olyan jó lenne bizalommal, pozitívan hozzáállni, a sok negatív hang hatással van rám is. Igen, legnagyobb klub, legnagyobb elvárások, amíg volt és lesz Real Madrid, mindig ez volt, néha még a győzelemnek sem tudunk örülni, mert jobb és több kell. Nem véletlenül van a csapat a csúcsok csúcsán, ahol senki más.
Bízzunk kicsit bennük, nem minden az ő hibájuk, a sérülések, a túlterhelés, a menetrend zsúfoltsága, a keret hiányosságai, Tebas kopasz feje, Cefre és Infantilis pénzsóvársága.
Szurkoljunk, bízzunk, és örüljünk is néha!
Szombaton meg csapjuk szét a Barcát! Ha így tudunk játszani, mint kedden a második félidőben, nem lehet gondunk.