Rumors about signings: "99% of the rumored signings will not come to a happy ending
Az alairasokrol szolo pletykak 99 szazalekabol nem lesz boldog vege.
-AZ ilyen Bigliak miatt nem is baj.
Mbappe: "We are in a situation very similar to that of Pogba: last year they said that I had to sign him because we had won the Champions League. I like him but we can only play 11, the squad is 24 and there are many players that I have liked and, because they have not had a place, they have not come ".
Mbappe: Egy olyan helyzetben vagyunk ami hasonlit Pogbaera: tavaly azt mondtak, h , mert megnyertuk a bajnokok ligajat. Birom ot, de csak 11 tud kezdeni, a keret 24 es sok van sok olyan jatekos akiket nagyon birok, de nins hely es ezert nem jonnek.
-En nagyon szerettem volna Pogbinhot, de kp-n annyira teltettek vagyunk, h igy utolag nem volt letszukseglet. Durvan fogalmazva (mert mindenki hozza tette a magaet) ok nyeretek meg a bajnoksagot es a bl-t.
Long summer: "He (Mbappe) is a good player, very young. We did not sign Pogba because we had a great team, as demonstrated. We did not need Pogba. In addition, the players have to play to become better and I last year did not see it (playing time) with him. Anyway, the summer is very long, I have signed more than one player on the 31 of August. Some really good ones ... ".
Hosszu a nyar: Mbappe egy nagyon jo jatekos es nagyon fiatal. Nem igazoltuk le Pogbat mert volt egy jo csapatunk, mint azt bizonyitottak. Nem volt szuksegunk ra. Tovabba, a jatekosoknak jatszani kell, h jobbak legyenek. Nem lattam ezt a jatek idot. Mindegy, a nyar meg nagyon hosszu, augusztus 31-vel tobb, mint egy jatekos igazolva lesz. Paran igazan nagyon jok.
-Ez a 2 utolso mondat eleg sejtetoen hangzik...remelem Bappe jon.
Mbappes family: "I do not like to deny. If I talked to his family? Do not ask me things that I can not answer. If Zidane has had an approach with him? I know he has had it for several years, because I know he has followed him as he followed Varane. The best one to say if you have a place or not at 18 is the coach, but with that age few players have a place in Madrid. Zidane came with 28 ... We have to be patient. Zidane has time with Mbappe in his mind. If he is coming this year? Sincerely I dont know. He has to decide if he's coming to play, if he better continue where he is and continue developing ... If Zidane gave me the OK, I would have to say also that he would come. They cant all play, only 11. That job is not mine, but Zidanes, who manages it very well. "
Bappe csalad: Nem szeretek tagadni. Beszeltem e a csaladdal? Ne kerdezz engem olyanrol amire nem tudok valaszolni. Hogy Zidanenak volt e kozeledese? Amit tudok az, h nehany eve mar megtette, mert kovette ot, mint ahogy Varanet is kovette. A legjobb amit mondhatok, hogy lehet van lehet nincs helye az edzonel 18 evesnek. Ebben a korban keves jatekosnak van helye a Madridban. Zidane 28 evesen jott....Turelmesnek kell lennunk. Zidane elmejeben mar meg van a terve vele. Hogy jonni fog iden? Oszinten nem tudom. Neki kell eldontenie, h jonni akar ide jatszani vagy maradni akar ahol most van es ott akar fejlodni. Ha Zidane azt mondja, h rendben akkor szinten mondhatom, h o is jonne. Nem mindenki jatszhat csak 11. Ez mar nem az en munkam, Ziaden nagyon jol menedzseli ezt.
-Mar a zsebben van srac, iden v jovore jonni fog.
Guardiola's criticism of Vinicus signing: "In football people talk a lot and I do not like to answer statements from other people. Coaches talk a lot and sometimes they have to be wrong. "
Guardiola kritikaja Vinicius leigazolasara: A fociban az emberek sokat beszelnek es nem szeretnek valaszolni masok kijelenteseire. Az edzok sokat beszelnek es neha tevednek.
-Gvardiola mi a tokomert foglalkozik olyannal ami nem ra tartozik.
Theo: "We are talking to Atletico and I think we will reach an agreement."
Az atleticovan beszelunk es szerintem megallapodunk.
Vallejo? At the time of his Signing we didn't have a sports director but we signed him from Zaragoza, I think it was a good idea to leave him there, or to take him to Germany and despite his Youth he has had a good season and he has everything to be with us. Llorente as well."
Vallejo? Az alairasakor nem volt sportiagazgatonk, de elhoztuk Zaragozabol, szerintem jo otlet volt ott hagyni vagy nemetorszagba vinni. fiatal kora ellenere jo szezonja volt es mindene megvan, h velunk legyen. Llorente szinten.
-En is kivancsi vagyok rajuk.
Zidane's future: "I'm sure he's staying and the first thing we will do after coming from vacation is to renew his contract. No one knows better than him what the club is and how the dressing room works, and that is a value that he has over the rest and that is what has made him triumph in 17 months."
Zidane jovoje. Biztos vagyok benne, h marad es az elso amit mi megteszunk a vakacioja utan, h megujitjuk a szerzodeset.
Senki sem ismeri jobban a clubot es hogyan mukodnek a dolgok az oltozoben. Ez egy olyan ertek amit tobbitol kapott ami gyoztesse tette a 17 honapban.
Relationship with Zidane: "Since joining in 2001 as a player I have had a permanent relationship with him. At first he had doubts about whether he wanted to be a coach, but when he decided he had no doubt that it would be a matter of time for him to train at Madrid. I hope Zidane's love affair with Madrid will last for many years. "
Kapcsolat Zidanenal: Amiota jatekoskent csatlakozott tartos kapcsolatban alltam vele. Eloszor ketsegei merultek fel arra vonatkozoan, hogy edzo akar lenni, de amikor ezek a ketsegek elmultak ido kerdese, h edzoskodni fog a madridnal. Remélem, hogy Zidane szerelmi ugye Madridban sok evig tart.
-En is remelem, meg sok-sok evig, mint Ferguson. Remelem mar nem fogjak annyian szidni egesz evben 1-1 gyengebb meccsert.
Guti: "If he continues like this, since life is very long, he will be able to coach the first team."
Guti: "Ha így folytatja, mivel az elet nagyon hosszu, kepes lesz az elso csapat edzesere is."
New Bernabéu: "We are being delayed a little, it is not an easy subject; We have had to change the overall planning for a special plan. It will not happen this summer, but if we can start this year I would be happy. "
Az uj Bernabeu: Kestunk kicsit, nem konnyu tema. Egy különleges terv atfogo tervezeset kellett megvaltoztatnunk. Ez nem fog ezen a nyaron megtortenni, de ha ebben az evben megtudjuk kezdeni boldog lennek.
Arbeloa: "He said he wants to help Madrid, and not in the position of spokesman, which is perfectly done by Butragueño, and we are now seeing where he can be. He already told me what he would like to do, in Real Madrid TV, for example ".
Arbeloa: Azt mondta, h segiteni akar, de nem szovivo pozicioban, amit Butragueno tokeletesen megtett, es most mi latjuk, h hol lehetne Arbeloa. O mar mondta, h mit szeretne tenni a Real Madrid TV-ben...peldaul.
Morata: "I don't think we're in negotiations with Manchester United, which is not to say that there are people around him who are talking, which is normal. I have read that we have reached an agreement, I do not know how many million times, but it is not true. "
Moarata: Nem hiszem, hogy targyalasokat folytatunk a Manchester United-el, ami nem azt mondja, hogy vannak olyan emberek korulotte akik beszelnek, ami normalis. Olvastam, h megallapodtunk, nem tudom, h mennyi millio alkalommal, de ez nem igaz.
James: "He is one of the best players in the world, he belongs to Madrid and Madrid players do not leave when they want to or their parents wants them to. We have to match the interests of the players with ours, but mostly those of Madrid. "
James: O a vilag egyik legjobb jatekosa, Madridhoz tartozik es Madrid jatekosai nem hagyjak el ha nem akarjak vagy ha a szuleik nem akarjak, h menjen. Meg kell egyeznie a jateksok erdekei a minekel, ezek legtobbszor a Madrid!
Agreement with Sandro, according to The Transistor: "Sandro !? First time I hear about it. "
Megegyezes Sandroval a Transistor szerint: Sandro? Eloszor hallok rola.
-Jon Theo.
Mariano: "He has not played and I think he has to leave, it's being sorted out. He's talking to Lyon, and I'm delighted if he finds a place that fits him well. "
Mariano: Nem jatszott es ugy gondolom neki mennie kell. Ez el lesz rendezve. A Lyonnal targyal, es ha talal egy helyet amely jol illeszkedik hozza boldog leszek.