Szerintek ugyan azt az összeget forgatják, csak így nem banktól veszik a hitelt, hanem egy-egy befektetőhavertől valószínüleg kamatmentesen.Realista24 írta: Első lépcső:
Barcelona sold 10% of its TV rights for next 25 years at 200.7m euros to sixth street partners.
They are yet to activate the second economic lever selling 15% of the clubs TV rights that will generate around 300-400m euros.
Most történik:
FC Barcelona activate the second lever and are already working towards the activation of the third lever. Barcelona will sign the deal for the transfer of 15% of the television rights for 25 years to Sixth Street for an amount between €320m-€330m (Catalan SPORT)Transfer budget will be €200m.
És, ami jön:
Barça will need more €100m to register all signings, they are working on the sale of Barça Studios for around €200m.
Okos lépés ebben az esetben.